Monday, January 24, 2011

Breakfast with Jensen and Jared

Pictures from Creation's San Francisco Salute to Supernatural breakfast pictures from last weekend. I'm a huge SPN nerd, I know. For the followers who don't care about this show, nothing to see here. Click for bigger! I think video clips will be next.


  1. What great pictures! The light coming through the window behind the guys ruined so many people's photos, but yours are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing them!

  2. Videos?! OMG YAAAAY Finally! I've been dying to find some vids. Please tell me you've got either J2 talking about the western epi or Jensen speaking Portuguese on video!

  3. @spiritedcretin

    Thanks! I admit that I had to brighten them up quite a bit in Photoshop because of the backlight you mentioned but I'm happy with how they turned out.

    I have no problem with sharing so you're welcome!

  4. @strgazr04

    I have both plus more, albeit broken up in clips because volunteers were walking up and down aisles, looking for video takers and I got paranoid. o.o; The files are fairly big and so it'll take me a little while to download, edit and upload the clips so bear with me!

  5. Wonderful thank you for sharing

  6. Thank You so much for sharing and i`m really looking forward to videos big time! Thanks :)

  7. my girlfriend would appreciate seeing this.

  8. Thank you very much for sharing ♥

  9. and who are they again? ha, really...I have no idea.

  10. These are fantastic pictures, thank you for sharing. I just want to eat Jared up, he's so handsome.

  11. I really hope you have video of the breakfast! I was there and asked the question about the Winchester you have vids? Can't wait to see them if you do!

